FG Saga W00 Regular Fonts Free Downloads

Download Formats
Version : 1.00
Style : Regular
Size : 216.53 Kbps
Update : Wed, 14 Oct 2015 04:05:42 +0800
Author : Font Garden
TAG's : SagaRegular
Use on the webTotal Use [ 5749 ] times
1Add to the head section of web page.
<link href="https://db.onlinewebfonts.com/c/34c0fc78c399228dc5f81c96e87c5a1c?family=FG+Saga+W00+Regular" rel="stylesheet">
orUsing @import CSS directive, put the following line in add to your css file.(http | https)
@import url(https://db.onlinewebfonts.com/c/34c0fc78c399228dc5f81c96e87c5a1c?family=FG+Saga+W00+Regular);
orUse font-face declaration Fonts.(http | https)
@font-face {
    font-family: "FG Saga W00 Regular";
    src: url("https://db.onlinewebfonts.com/t/34c0fc78c399228dc5f81c96e87c5a1c.eot");
    src: url("https://db.onlinewebfonts.com/t/34c0fc78c399228dc5f81c96e87c5a1c.eot?#iefix")format("embedded-opentype"),
    url("https://db.onlinewebfonts.com/t/34c0fc78c399228dc5f81c96e87c5a1c.svg#FG Saga W00 Regular")format("svg");
2CSS rules to specify fonts
font-family: "FG Saga W00 Regular";
Sample Text:
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /*-+~!@#$%^&*()-=_+{}[]:;"'|\<>.?
FG Saga is a trademark of the Font Garden,.
By downloading a Font Garden font, you agree that the fonts are licensed to you as a single user. You have the right: o To install and use the TrueType font on a single computer. o To copy and modify the TrueType font for your own personal use.You do not have the right:o To share, loan, rent, resell, or distribute the TrueType font. o To use the TrueType font on more than one computer at a time.o To make copies of the TrueType font other than for back-up purposes.o To copy by electronic means, reproduce, modify, or create derivative works from the TrueType font for the purpose of resale or distribution. LIMITED WARRANTYFont Garden warrants that your TrueType font shall be free from defects for 30 days from the time the font are sent to you. If you detect a problem within 30 days, please contact us by e-mail: fontshop@fontgarden.com or by phone: +46-19-185461.LIMITATION OF LIABILITYFont Gardens sole responsibility to you shall be to abide by the limited warranty as stated above. Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall Font Garden be responsible for any damages or losses that result from the use of, or inability to use the TrueType font. If any legal action arises out of copyright infringement, Font Garden shall be indemnified and held harmless of any and all costs or damages that you or Font Garden incurs.
Copyright (c) Font Garden, 2004. All rights reserved.
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