Petala W01 ExtraLight Fonts Free Downloads

Download Formats
Version : 1.10
Style : Regular
Size : 51.83 Kbps
Update : Tue, 20 Oct 2015 20:24:18 +0800
Use on the webTotal Use [ 4785 ] times
1Add to the head section of web page.
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
orUsing @import CSS directive, put the following line in add to your css file.(http | https)
@import url(;
orUse font-face declaration Fonts.(http | https)
@font-face {
    font-family: "Petala W01 ExtraLight";
    src: url("");
    src: url("")format("embedded-opentype"),
    url(" W01 ExtraLight")format("svg");
2CSS rules to specify fonts
font-family: "Petala W01 ExtraLight";
Sample Text:
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /*-+~!@#$%^&*()-=_+{}[]:;"'|\<>.?
Petala Pro ExtraLight is a trademark of Marconi Lima/Typefolio Digital Foundry.

EULA - END USER LICENSE AGREEMENTTypefolio Digital Foundry/ Marconi Lima1. The digital files downloaded to your computer contain font software that are the intellectual property of Marconi Lima. This non-exclusive license grants you certain rights to use the font software and is not an agreement for sale of the Font Software or any portion of it. Except for your right to use the Font Software granted by this license, all other rights, title of the Font Software, related trademarks and trade names are owned and retained by Marconi Lima. 2. You can install and use the Font Software on five (5) computer at a single location. These computer can be connected to, and the font software used with, any number of output devices, such as a laser printer, ink jet printer, an imagesetter or a film recorder, but the font software may be downloaded to the memory (hard disk or RAM) of only one (1) output device for the purpose of having such Font Software remain resident in the output device. If you need to download the Font Software to install it on more computers, you must required a multi-device license to be purchased according the Multiuser discount table.3. You may convert and install the font software into another format for use in other environments, subject to the following conditions: A computer on which the converted font software is used or installed shall be considered as one of your permitted number of computers. Use of the font software you have converted shall be pursuant to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Such converted font software may be used for your own customary internal business or personal use exclusively and may not be distributed or transferred for any purpose. You may not modify or remove the name(s) of the Font Software, author's signature, copyright and trademark notices from the original files. 4. You may make one back-up copy of Font Software for archival purposes only, and you shall retain exclusive custody and control over such copy. Upon termination of the Agreement, you must destroy the original and any and all copies of the Font Software.5. You may provide a digitized copy of the Font Software used for a particular document, or Font Software embedded in an electronic document, to a commercial printer or service bureau for use by the printer or service in printing such document.6. Embedding of the Font-Software into electronic documents or internet pages is only permitted in a secured read-only mode. Licensee must ensure that recipients of electronic documents or internet pages cannot extract the font software from such document use the embedded font software for editing purposes or for the creation of new documents. You may embed the licensed fonts into documents (such as PDFs) you send to third parties. Such documents may be viewed and printed (but not edited) by the recipients. You may NOT embed the licensed fonts into web pages using @font-face CSS feature or any other technique. Web embedding will require a different kind of license that TypeFolio Digital Foundry may offer you. For that purpose, you can try out services like Typekit, or contact us at info[at] for further information. 7. You agree to inform your employees or any other person having access to the Font-Software and copies thereof, of the terms and conditions of this Font-Software License Agreement and to ensure that they shall strictly abide by these terms and conditions.8. You acknowledge that the Font Software is protected by the copyright and other intellectual property of Brazilian Law, by the copyright and design laws of other nations, and by international treaties.9. Trademarks. You agree to identify the Font Software by trademark and the owner of the trademark in any design credits. All use of the trademark associated with the Font Software inures solely to the benefit of the trademark owner. No ownership right is granted by this License Agreement. Typefolio/Marconi Lima reserves all rights not expressly granted herein.10. This EULA constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all previous agreements, promises, representations and negotiations between the parties.By installing the Petala Pro fonts on your machine, you agree to the terms of the license agreement for this custom font.Copyright Typefolio Digital Foundry/Marconi Lima. All rights reserved. Petala Pro is a trademark of Typefolio/Marconi Lima which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
Copyright (c) 2013 by Marconi Lima/Typefolio Digital Foundry. All rights reserved.
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