Sample Text:
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /*-+~!@#$%^&*()-=_+{}[]:;"'|\<>.?
Magasin is a trademark of Laura Meseguer.
Copyright (c) 2013 by Laura Meseguer. All rights reserved.
End User Licence AgreementPlease noteThis End-user Licence Agreement is a legal contract between Type--Tones and the end-user of the software (hereafter referred to as the licence holder). Before downloading, installing or using the software, you should read this agreement carefully and must accept all the terms and conditions given. By downloading the software, you agree to be a licence holder of this contract and accept your obligations to comply with all the terms and conditions stated herein. If you consider the conditions inacceptable or inappropriate, you will not be able to proceed with the purchase of the software, and there is no need for you to continue. Click on I agree to accept the terms and conditions for becoming a licence holder. Type--Tones gives the licence holder a non-exclusive licence, limited and non-transferable, which authorises downloading, installing and using the software, complying with the conditions stated in this licence agreement.End user licenceThe licence given on purchase of the software, or font software, gives the licence holder the right to use the typographic fonts only in the number of computers for which a licence has been given, and with the compliance by the licence holder of the terms and conditions specified in this document. Downloading and installingThe licence holder is authorised to install and use the software in the number of computers specified in the receipt for purchase of the software. If this number exceeds that indicated, the licence holder will need a multi-use agreement licence. There is no limit to the number of peripheral devices which can be connected to the computers (e.g. printers, platesetters, etc.), as long as it is in compliance with the conditions stated in the previous section End-user Licence.The licence holder, accepting full responsibility, may hand over a copy of the software to a services company (pre-press, printer) specifically to process those files in which the software has been used. The services company is not authorised to use the font software in other circumstances. The licence holder must inform the services company of the terms and conditions of this licence agreement. The licence holder will be held ultimately responsible for any incompliance of the terms and conditions of this contract by the service provider or company.The licence holder can download and install the software only for personal use and not for commercial resale. The licence holder is not permitted to copy or transfer the software to other media storage devices unless expressly authorised according to the conditions stated in the previous section End-user Licence. The licence holder is also not permitted to use the software for any commercial purposes whatsoever.A licence for up to 5 computers allows the licence holder to download the software to the memory (the hard disk or RAM) of a printer connected to at least 1 (one) of the computers, such that the software is stored in the printer. It can be downloaded to one additional printer for each multiple of 5 (five) computers.Using the SoftwareThe software can only be used under licence. If the licence holder uses the software to create work for a third party, a licence must be obtained by this third party in order to use the typographic fonts. The licence holder is not authorised to incorporate the software for public distribution or downloading (through Internet or physical device).The licence holder is not authorised to convert, alter or modify any or all of the product or create fonts derived from the product. Additional rules on usage1. EmbeddingIn addition, the software licence allows Type--Tones fonts to be embedded in PDF files which cannot be edited, only viewable and/or printable; or in documents, applications or devices either as a rasterized representation of the Font Software (e. g., a GIF or JPEG).The basic licence allows the use of a Type--Tones font in a document, application or device as a subset in a secure format, only for viewing and printing, but not editing of the text. You need an additional licence (Editable Embedding Licence) from Type--Tones for the use of the Font Software in documents, applications or devices permitting editing of the text, if such documents, applications or devices shall be distributed to third parties or if the Font Software is embedded neither as a subset nor as a rasterized representation.2. Usage on the web 2.1. Webfonts The use of Type--Tones webfonts in web pages is ruled and priced by the specific agreements with the distributors that provide them. Please refer to the provider of the web font service and their conditions.2.2 Webserver usageThe Web-To-Print Application (the font data is accesible through a server and the user can create personalised documents with the font) allows to edit online and to receive a low resolution preview of the font, while the high resolution data shall remain in licensees company for printing purposes. In case prints are made not in licensees company, the printer has to aquire an additional printing licence of the font software. The pricing follows the rules established by the distributor.Please contact us for more information.Intellectual Property RightsThe licence holder contracts a non-exclusive and non-transferable software licence, only for personal use or internal use by the company.The licence holder has no rights to the software other than those expressly stated in this contract, and accepts that Type--Tones is the owner and has all rights to the typographic fonts and to the software, including the programming, structure and code.The typographic fonts are valuable and confidential material. Copyright is protected and subject to the laws of the European Community, international agreements and the laws applicable in the country where the fonts are to be used.All the elements of the software, including the typographic fonts, are property of Type--Tones. Use not specifically authorised by this contract is an infringement of copyright. The software must not be sold, rented or given free to third parties. Sharing and/or copying the software are also prohibited, except when making backup files.Limitation of ResponsibilityType--Tones guarantees that the software functions in agreement with the specifications published on their web page. In the event of a problem being detected with the software, the licence holder should contact Type--Tones, who, in a maximum period of 90 days, will replace the software. The purchase of the software does not include any guarantee to the licence holder, neither implicit nor explicit, regarding, among others, implicit guarantees of satisfaction or suitability for a specific purpose. The licence holder fully accepts responsibility for any damages, costs or expenses incurred as a result of or related to downloading, installation or use of the software.Type--Tones disclaims and rejects all responsibility for loss or damages, costs or expenses, of any kind, derived from or related to this contract, the software and its download, installation or use, and expressly disclaims responsibility for damages, direct or indirect, of any type or for any reason.Type--Tones is a registered trademark in Spanish Patent & Trademark Office and elsewhere. Type--Tones. Passatge Serra i Arola, 5-9, 5 8. 08028 BARCELONA (Spain).
Copyright (c) 2013 by Laura Meseguer. All rights reserved.