Bunken Tech Sans SC Wide W01Md Fonts Free Downloads

Download Formats
Version : 1.48
Style : Regular
Size : 30.03 Kbps
Update : Sat, 24 Oct 2015 21:50:17 +0800
Use on the webTotal Use [ 5276 ] times
1Add to the head section of web page.
<link href="https://db.onlinewebfonts.com/c/5dca8ae07e61a2d03475fb7e645a3654?family=Bunken+Tech+Sans+SC+Wide+W01Md" rel="stylesheet">
orUsing @import CSS directive, put the following line in add to your css file.(http | https)
@import url(https://db.onlinewebfonts.com/c/5dca8ae07e61a2d03475fb7e645a3654?family=Bunken+Tech+Sans+SC+Wide+W01Md);
orUse font-face declaration Fonts.(http | https)
@font-face {
    font-family: "Bunken Tech Sans SC Wide W01Md";
    src: url("https://db.onlinewebfonts.com/t/5dca8ae07e61a2d03475fb7e645a3654.eot");
    src: url("https://db.onlinewebfonts.com/t/5dca8ae07e61a2d03475fb7e645a3654.eot?#iefix")format("embedded-opentype"),
    url("https://db.onlinewebfonts.com/t/5dca8ae07e61a2d03475fb7e645a3654.svg#Bunken Tech Sans SC Wide W01Md")format("svg");
2CSS rules to specify fonts
font-family: "Bunken Tech Sans SC Wide W01Md";
Sample Text:
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /*-+~!@#$%^&*()-=_+{}[]:;"'|\<>.?
Bunken is a trademark of Buntype, Ralf Sander and Petra Niedernolte.

NOTIFICATION OF LICENSE AGREEMENT This software for producing the Typefaces licensed to you is copyrighted (c) 2015 by Ralf Sander and Petra Niedernolte. Published by Buntype Corporation Germany. All Rights Reserved. It is the property of Ralf Sander, Petra Niedernolte and Buntype Corporation Germany and its licensors, and may not be reproduced, used, displayed, modified, disclosed or transferred without the express written approval of it's owners. Unless you have entered into a specific license agreement granting you additional rights, your use of this font software is limited to your workstation for your own use. You may not copy, loan or distribute this font software. If you have any questions regarding your license terms, please review the license agreement you received with the software. General license terms and usage rights can be viewed at http://www.buntype.com/service/license.html.
Copyright (c) 2015 by Ralf Sander and Petra Niedernolte. Published by Buntype. All rights reserved.
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