Axiom W00 Bold Oblique Fonts Free Downloads

Download Formats
Version : 1.00
Style : Regular
Size : 75.36 Kbps
Update : Sat, 03 Oct 2015 18:21:37 +0800
Use on the webTotal Use [ 4301 ] times
1Add to the head section of web page.
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
orUsing @import CSS directive, put the following line in add to your css file.(http | https)
@import url(;
orUse font-face declaration Fonts.(http | https)
@font-face {
    font-family: "Axiom W00 Bold Oblique";
    src: url("");
    src: url("")format("embedded-opentype"),
    url(" W00 Bold Oblique")format("svg");
2CSS rules to specify fonts
font-family: "Axiom W00 Bold Oblique";
Sample Text:
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /*-+~!@#$%^&*()-=_+{}[]:;"'|\<>.?
Axiom Bold Italic is a trademark of Australian Type Foundry.
Copyright (c) 2006 by Australian Type Foundry. All rights reserved.
END USER LICENCE AGREEMENTEach font purchased from Australian Type Foundry (ATF) is licensed for use on 5 personal computers within the purchasing organisation. The end user agrees to receive purchased product from ATF via email transmission unless otherwise specified on the ATF website. The end user agrees NOT to use fonts purchased from ATF for any purpose, commercial, public, personal or otherwise, which constitues an illegal act or an incitement to racial, sexual or gender vilification or any other discriminatory or illegal purposes. The end user agrees not to copy, transmit, reproduce, or imitate any product purchased from ATF for any user outside the purchasing organisation or for any public or commercial purpose, unless permission in writing is obtained from ATF. The end user agrees not to modify the digital construction or coding of fonts purchased from ATF. Copyright and intellectual property remain the sole property of ATF after purchase. By purchasing from ATF you agree to these terms and conditions.ATF warrants to you that the software will perform satisfactorily for the ninety (90) day period following your receipt of the software. This warranty does not apply to font software converted into other formats by the end user. To make a warranty claim, you must return the software to the location where you obtained it along with a copy of your sales receipt within such ninety (90) day period. If the software does not perform satisfactorily, ATF reserves the right to exercise either the replacement of the software or the refund of the license fee you paid for the software. ATF and its suppliers do not and cannot warrant the performance or results you may obtain by using the software.LICENCE AGREEMENT FOR FONT SOFTWAREBetween Australian Type Foundry Pty Ltd (Australian Type Foundry or the licensor) and the End User/Customer (you or the licensee).1. LICENCEThis Licence Agreement for Font Software (Licence Agreement) becomes a legally binding contract between the licensee and the licensor when you access Font Software supplied by electronic delivery methods or open packaging containing Font Software supplied on a storage medium that you have purchased from Australian Type Foundry. Please read all these licence conditions thoroughly and carefully before proceeding. Once you access the Font Software you agree to comply with and be bound by all the conditions contained in this Licence Agreement. If there is any condition in the Licence Agreement that you do not accept, please do not access, use or download the Font Software. Please contact Australian Type Foundry immediately.2. GRANT OF LICENSE AND USAGE RIGHTS2.1 In return for the license fee paid, you are granted a non-exclusive license to use or store the Font Software on a maximum of 5 computers (of any type), whether networked or not, at one location.2.2 If the Font Software is required for use on more than 5 computers or at different locations, this can be achieved by purchasing further copies of the Font Software or by applying to Australian Type Foundry for an appropriate Multi-User, Site, Country or World Wide License, please refer to point 3.2.3 The Font Software may not be used or installed on a server that can be accessed via the Internet or other external network system or by computers that are not part of the 5 user licensed unit.2.4 A copy of the Font Software should always be made for purely back-up purposes.2.5 Except for your right to use the Font Software in accordance with this Licence Agreement, all other rights, title and interest in the Font Software and related trade names and trademarks are owned and retained by Australian Type Foundry and/or its Suppliers.2.6 You agree to establish reasonable procedures to restrict access to and use of the Font Software, trade names and trademarks to comply with the conditions of this Licence Agreement.3. MULTI-USER LICENSES3.1 If you need to use or store the Font Software on more than 5 computers, you need to purchase an appropriate multi-user licence that can be tailored to suit your specific requirements.3.2 When determining the number of computers to be licensed, you must include all computers that might have access to or might store the Font Software at any point in time. The number must include concurrent and non concurrent use.3.3 If the Font Software is stored on a server that is attached to a Local Area Network (LAN) or a Wide Area Network (WAN), every computer that has access to that network must be included in the multi-user licence number to ensure that every computer is properly licensed.3.4 Common multi-user licences can take the form of: a number of licensed computers at a single site; a number of licensed computers at a number of specified sites; a number of licensed computers within a single country, that may be at a number of sites or a number of licensed computers that are licensed for use anywhere in the world.3.5 Please contact Australian Type Foundry if you think that a 5 computer licence is insufficient for your requirements. Australian Type Foundry can then calculate and propose a suitable tailored licence to meet your needs.4. FONT SOFTWARE4.1 The term Font Software relates to the digital font data supplied to you from Australian Type Foundry by electronic or other means. This digital data may include, but is not limited to, a single typeface weight/style, a typeface family, a font or typeface collection/library or any combination of these products.4.2 Font Software includes any updates, upgrades, expansions, modified versions, copies, format or other derivative of the original font data supplied to you from Australian Type Foundry.4.3 The Font Software and all modifications or derivatives of the Font Software shall remain, now and in the future, the exclusive property of Australian Type Foundry and/or its Suppliers.5. EMBEDDING RIGHTS5.1 Embedding of the Font Software into electronic documents, presentations, internet pages or other similar use is only permitted where the Font Software cannot be modified or extracted. You must ensure that where the Font Software is used in such applications that the Font Software is secure and cannot be used for editing purposes or extracted for the creation of new documents.5.2 If you want to create documents or files that permit embedded Font Software to be edited or modified in any way, a separate licence agreement is required that is subject to an additional charge. Please contact Australian Type Foundry for details.6. OTHER RESTRICTIONS6.1 You are not permitted to modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Font Software.6.2 You are not permitted to merge the Font Software with or into other software programs. However, this may be permissible in certain circumstances and would require a separate licence agreement that is subject to an additional charge. Please contact Australian Type Foundry for details.6.3 You are not permitted to use the Font Software, or any component of the Font Software, for or as a basis for your own software development or own Font Software development.6.4 You are not permitted to modify the trademark name, the font name, trade name, licence conditions, any identifying tags or any other part of the Font Software without the express permission of Australian Type Foundry.6.5 All modifications of the Font Software remain the exclusive property of Australian Type Foundry and/or its Suppliers.6.6 Any modifications that are not authorised by Australian Type Foundry in writing invalidate all warranties and support granted with this licence and are deemed to be a breach of this Licence Agreement.7. ASSIGNMENT7.1 You are not authorised to sublicence, sell, lease, rent or lend the Font Software to any third party.7.2 You may permanently transfer all of your rights to use the Font Software to a third party provided that: the third party agrees to be bound by and comply with this Licence Agreement; you transfer this License Agreement together with its associated documentation (if any) and the ori
Copyright (c) 2006 by Australian Type Foundry. All rights reserved.
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